Guidelines for Authors for Submission of Papers

The AMET Journal of Management, a Peer Reviewed Journal, invites articles on General Management and Maritime Management themes, which are expected to enrich the current corpus of knowledge. The Journal also solicits research based articles and papers that contain original research input. The Management implications should be highlighted in the contributions.

• The Articles should contain the Title, Author’s Name, Institution of affiliation, the postal address (both official & residential), E Mail ID, Land line nos. (Both office & residence) and mobile number.

• Each article shall be about 10-15 pages including the text, graphs, diagrams and charts. An abstract of the article not exceeding 100 words is to be submitted along with this.

• The article should first be sent by Email, along with resume and photo of the author.

• The contributors are requested to send two hard copies.

• Text must be typed in Tahoma - font size 10, in 1.15 line spacing. The main title of the article should be all capitals, font size 11; side headings & paragraph headings should be in “capitalize each word’ (bold) mode - font size Tahoma 10.

• The tables, graphs, results of the analysis, statistical/mathematical tabulations may be put in the appropriate places with suitable titles in the main text. These should be in editable word format and not as photos or JPEG images etc

• Each article must be accompanied by a declaration by the author for authenticity, originality and non-violation of any copyright. Declaration must also specify that it has not been published or offered for publication anywhere else.

• Citations/References are to be indicated in the main body of the article at relevant places by giving only author name, Year and a serial number - For e.g. G. Bennet Stewart, 2002[1]. Any reference thus cited inside the article, should be catalogued in the list of references at the end of the article in American Psychological Association (APA) format, by following the same serial numbers. In the event of journal citations, please specify the exact page numbers also.

• Contributors are required to proof read the final version of the article before sending to us.

• All publishing decisions are reserved with the Editorial Board. We would convey the results of the review to the Contributor within three months of the receipt of the manuscript.

• The views and opinions expressed by the authors in the articles are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University.

The AMET International Journal of Management, its editorial board, editorial advisory committee and AMET Management, disclaim responsibility for any statement of facts and opinions, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors.