Aim and Scope

Our aim in floating the Journal is to make a systematic contribution of a high order, towards Management Research encompassing both beginners and veterans. The main objectives are :

  • To encourage budding Research Scholars and practicing Managers to express their views and ideas on the latest developments in Management, Business and Economy.

  • To provide them a platform for presenting such views & ideas in proper documents of Research quality-framing hypotheses and systematically gathering, recording and analyzing the supporting data & presenting them in scientific format.

  • To provide an avenue for interacting with experts and garnering their crystallized experiences, in the process of publishing their enlightened articles on various topics.

  • To promote exchange of knowledge and networking between Academia and practicing Managers

  • To share innovative management ideas and exchange practical case study experiences including the latest initiatives in applied research.

  • To contribute knowledge-additions to the existing body of Management Literature, or to establish realistic benchmarks that would serve as standards for measurement, or to propose a new angle of look at an existing postulation - one or more or all of the above, altogether resulting in better understanding and insight

  • We may also publish contributions based on personal experiences and observations , which do not lend themselves to the rigours of quantitative analysis, nevertheless add qualitatively to the existing corpus of knowledge.

  • Eventually, such grooming is expected to inculcate a research bent of mind in all walks of life - be it Academics, Practical Management or even in the daily walk of life.

AIJM features contributions from Academic Researchers and Practicing Managers from both Maritime Sector and General Industry & Business, covering all the major verticals such as:

Logistics and supply chain management, Business & Strategic Management, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, Operation Research, Research Methodologies, Information Technology, Business Economics, Marketing, Finance, Materials & Inventory Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, Quantitative Methods for Management, Quality Management, Cross- Cultural Management , Self-development initiatives for Managers etc.

We firmly We firmly believe that knowledge should be disseminated without inhibitors and therefore we have made it an open access, free Journal right from the beginning. We do not charge any fees/ money for publishing the contributions. There is no processing fee of any kind. In the same vein, we also make available all our current/earlier issues with full content on this site.